Coffee / Tea Server
This is an easy one! The coffee brewer will be hot and ready to make coffee within minutes of pouring the water in. Steps:

- Sign up by hitting the button!
- Arrive by 9:45 AM (at the latest) so you can pull out the table, cups, tea bags, etc, from the kitchenette.
- When the worship service is over, leave straightaway (or during the last hymn) and pour a carafe of water into the machine with the coffee grounds loaded in the basket. The coffee will be fresh and hot in minutes.
- Plug in the water kettle for tea. It takes about 4 minutes to come to a boil.
- Finally, wash the used cups, dispose of the used coffee grounds, unplug the coffee maker and you’re done! Thanks!
We would love to hear other voices provide new interpretations of our readings. If you’d like to read either the opening poem, or the scripture lesson or lead us in prayer, let me know what and when. I am, as always, open to suggestions of poems you’d like to read.
Winter Shoveling
We rely on volunteers to shovel the front walk on Sunday mornings during the winter. Please sign up for a Sunday. If it snows heavily during the week, others will help out — be in contact with the church on Friday. We’d like to have the front walk cleared by 9 AM. Thank you!
Here’s the link to sign up to volunteer:
Deacon of the Day
Sunday Morning Flowers
To sign up for Sunday morning flowers and add a dedication, we are now using SignUpGenius. You will receive a notification using this system, 4 days prior to the date you signed up to have flowers. Click here the be taken to the signup.