Lay Readers

We are absurdly accustomed to the miracle of a few written signs being able to contain immortal imagery, involutions of thought, new worlds with live people, speaking, weeping, laughing.

Vladimir Nabokov

I delight in reading, but even more in reading aloud to you on Sunday morning. I love letting the miracle of a few written signs lead you somewhere you never expected and then feeling that new world take shape. It is a powerful thing. But I don’t want it all for myself.

Over the past several months I’ve had a couple of different people inquire about participating in worship by reading one or more of the texts for the morning, either scripture or poetry. It could also be a litany, a prayer or a children’s story. Coincidentally, I’ve been thinking about this too. It would do me good to listen, instead of always speaking. And I suspect it might do you well too to hear fresh voices giving a reading. So much comes from the voice.

So, I’m going to give it a try. The first step, of course, is to get a pool of readers. If you’re interested you could send me an email or speak to me on Sunday morning. I’m envisioning this to be completely flexible — no set schedule required. Readers could be in conversation with me about what you want to read, and suggest readings you’d like to do. Let’s see where this goes!