Two Memorial Services

Last week, we lost two dear friends of our community. We will have two different memorial services. One for Steve Lotspeich on May 18 at 4 pm and one for Norma McLeod. on June 22 at 1 pm. Both Steve and Norma have not been with us on Sunday mornings of late because of declining health and also in the case of Steve, a new retirement life in Greensboro.

I hope you will be able to join us to be in support of Steve’s family (Judith, his wife, and their children Cholena, Yana and Anshe and Steve’s brother and sister, Charlie and Sylvia) and Norma’s family, her daughter Julia and son Steven.

Read Steve’s Obituary here:

Read Norma’s Obituary here: — not yet posted.

Habitat for Humanity in Waterbury

Central Vermont Habitat for Humanity(CVHFH) is opening a new ReStore in Waterbury that will help fund housing projects in our local community. We need your help to raise money to cover the costs of opening this store.

CVHFH has been building and renovating homes for folks in need within our community since 1989. The new ReStore on S. Main St. in Waterbury will provide a sustainable source of funds that will enable CVHFH to build additional energy efficient, affordable homes far into the future. At the same time, your support will help to increase economic stability in our region and redirect usable furniture, household items, and building materials from the landfill to local folks who need them.

Any donation you make will help us in opening the ReStore this June. Here is the link to use to make a donation:

The Kneeland Flats Habitat House the church helped build at the turn of the century and then recently helped put on deck railings.

Public Christmas Dinner Host Needed

The last host of the Christmas Dinner, held yearly for the last decade or so, would like to hand over the reigns. If you have an inkling to provide some service to some folks in Waterbury who would otherwise not have dinner to share on Christmas Day, you can let me know, and I’ll pass the news along to Gregg Simpson, or you can contact him directly.

What is an ERV and Why do we have one?

ERV is short for “Energy Recovery Ventilation System” and we have one in our sanctuary because it is an effective way to reduce the spread of airborne viruses in gatherings of people. Last fall we conducted a carbon dioxide survey and discovered that even with only 50 people in the sanctuary, carbon dioxide levels (which are a good indicator of risk — as CO2 levels rise, the risk of infection rises linearly). We even discovered that the levels of CO2 in the sanctuary toward the end of a concert were so high that some people might have experienced drowsiness. An ERV ventilates the building, pulling out stale air, recovering about 70% of the heat and humidity contained in that stale air and pumps in fresh air that has been heated and humidified with the energy from the old air back into the sanctuary.

You may hear the system running. It sounds just like the furnace. With a regular Sunday morning worship service the ERV will run about 50% of the time. With a full house, it would run continually.

Not only should an ERV make the sanctuary a safer place to gather for worship and concerts, it makes it more pleasant. If you would like to see the system or have any questions, just ask!


Save the Date!

Our next CROP Walk will be on October 1. CROP Walk is a walk to raise money to “put an end to hunger.” A portion of the money we raise through sponsorship will come back to Waterbury to support our food shelf, and a larger percentage will fund the various hunger elimination efforts that Church World Service is engaged in around the world.

To sign up to walk or to sponsor a walker, please use this link: