VT Conference of UCC Bylaws Vote

Over the past three years or so, the Board of Directors of the Vermont Conference of the UCC have been working on a new set of bylaws for the conference. The reason for this is because the conference has essentially not been able to abide by them — they don’t reflect the reality of the conference today. At the Annual Meeting of the conference, last spring, the body passed an amendment to the old bylaws, allowing us to reconvene at a later date specifically for the purposes of meeting to discuss, and hopefully pass the new set which the board finally approved this summer.

The meeting will take place online (via Zoom) on Saturday, November 13 at 10 AM. To attend the meeting, you’ll need to register and a Zoom link will be sent to you. Click here to register.

Documents you might be interested in reading, whether or not you attend the meeting:

Proposed New Bylaws

Old and New Bylaws side-by-side

Bylaw Rationale Statement

Bylaw FAQ

Special Meeting Warning

The Waterbury Congregational Church, United Church of Christ of Waterbury, Vermont is called to a special meeting, following worship on May 16, 2021, via Zoom, to decide whether to release funds from the church’s endowment for two maintenance projects.
Article 1: To approve $32,000 to remove, restore, and reinstall two stained-glass windows.
Article 2: To approve $41,000 to paint the exterior of the church.

Here are the details:
Stained Glass Windows
In 2013 a stained glass window committee was formed in order to get some opinions on the state of our windows from various stained glass window professionals. One artisan said, “In very good condition for their age. . . Reinforcement and cement is good . . . do not need re-leading for 50 – 75 years.” But he did recommend doing some minor restoration work to fix cracked and mismatched pieces.” On the other hand, a few suggested that they windows were past due. The last specialist to visit, said “in serious need of attention. Especially the ones in front. Lead well past prime, the cement is powdery, lead cracked and splitting.” We came close to hiring one local restorer in 2014, but after more exploration into him, decided against it.

At a recent joint meeting of the boards of finance and trustees, we decided to hire Kathy Chapman of Corinth, Vermont. She will, provided we approve the project on May 16, begin by removing two windows this summer, starting in June. The windows will be removed, placed on a flatbed truck and transported to her studio where she will take them apart, clean the glass, replace broken and mismatched pieces, re-cement and lead with new lead and install the proper horizontal and vertical support bars. If Kathy Chapman and we the church agree that the project went well at the end of the year and are interested in going forward together, we would work toward a fixed price for the rest of the windows.

The boards of finance and trustees have suggested that we use the undesignated gift of the Nathaniel Gage Fund for this project, thus memorializing the family and gift. We would place a small plaque under one of the windows.

Church Painting
The last time we hired RussWood Painting was to paint one side. We had a follow-up discussion and they recommended re-painting the entire church in one summer. It would save us several thousand dollars. Given that the condition of the original paint job on the addition is looking pretty shabby, and that some of the work done two summers ago has only had a prime coat, we’ve decided to do the work this year. We have used RussWood since the major restoration and addition work in the early 2000’s. They were in the ballpark of the other quotes we received, and a known entity by members of the committee. We sought another estimate this time around, but the painter was unable to provide a quote because of the steeple.

Online Giving

For some time now the finance committee has toyed with the idea of making it easy for you to give to the church through an online portal, either with a credit card or debit card, or an ACH (essentially an online check).

The coronavirus has spurred us to action and we are now live with online giving. There will always be a link to the giving form on our Sunday Services tab on our website — here. The link will take you to Church Breeze which is the company we’ve trusted with our data for over five years and through which our weekly newsletter is mailed. It is a secure site and they have a long history of managing church finances and church data. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity.

A screenshot of the online giving form when you click this link.

Annual Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 11:14 AM on January 27, 2019.
I. Presentation, discussion, and action on the minutes of the January 28, 2018 annual meeting and the June 3, 2018 Special Meeting.
The minutes of the January 28, 2018 annual meeting as well as the June 3, 2018 Special Meeting were accepted as written.

II. Presentation, discussion, and action on the reports of the officers, boards, and organizations for 2018 (excepting the 2019 budget).
It was moved, seconded, and noted to accept the reports.

III. Presentation, discussion, and action on the the FY 2019 budget proposal.
It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the 2019 budget as proposed.
C. Grenier rose to say that the board of finance supported this budget, even
carrying the $8,000 + deficit as said deficit was caused by counting on gifts that didn’t materialize. The board saw no reason for that deficit to interfere with proposed expenditures, including a 2% raise for salaries. He did note that fund raising efforts will have to remain strong. But he gave big kudos to all the members for how they support the church, in funding and in active service.

IV. To decide whether the church will approve an expenditure from the Firm Foundation Fund of up to $9,000 for building upgrades.
It was moved and seconded to approve expenditure from the Firm Foundation of up to $9,000 for building upgrades and church improvements. Discussion focused on specifics involved such as work on the remaining spires and equipping the church with a defibrillator. J. Loewer wondered if there might be grants available to purchase such equipment. C. Lawrence noted that the price will include a
“church” discount. J. Loewer volunteered to go looking for such a grant.

The deacons are planning a CPR class in February which could include training for a defibrillator. There was concern that our insurance might not currently cover incidents if the equipment were used incorrectly by a church member, but it was felt that we would be protected by the
“Good Samaritan” law.

J. Loewer made a motion to amend the original motion to read that it is approved to spend up to $9,000 from the Firm Foundation for building upgrades and church improvements, but to first investigate possible grants for the defibrillator portion. The amendment passed. The motion was then passed as amended.

V. Presentation, discussion, and action on the Nominating Committee’s report and slate of officers and board members for the year 2019
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously approved to accept the Nominating Committee’s report and slate of officers for 2019.
It should be noted, however, that Ned Davis stepped down as Nominator, leaving the Nominating Committee with no members.

V. Presentation, discussion, and action on the Trustees recommendation to distribute any investment gain in 2018.
D. King moved that the gains (losses), realized and unrealized, earned on the Trustees Funds be allocated in proportion to the respective fund balances. The motion was seconded and passed.

V. Other Business
1) The deacons have been discussing safety issues in the church, such as the presence of an active shooter. There is particular concern about the young women and children in the downstairs nursery while church is in session. The side door will be locked during this time and all access to the church should be through the front door. If someone is in need of elevator service, this would be taken care of by a deacon at the front door.

They would also like to provide ALICE training to the church, which includes procedures that should be taken during an active shooter confrontation. The council is strongly encouraging such a training.

2) P. Plagge thanked P. Sabin for all she does to really run the office and N. Davis for all he does for the church. He also wanted to add his thanks to C. Grenier’s for the congregation’s unfailing support.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:36 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jill Chase, Clerk