Donate Used Eyeglasses

According to OneSight, an independent nonprofit committed to eradicating the global vision care crisis, there are 1.1 billion people around the world with vision loss and no access or ability to obtain corrective eye care. It seems like a small, insignificant thing, but your donation of an old pair of eyeglasses can be tested to determine the strength and/or prescription and given away to help someone see clearer.

The Board of Outreach has placed a collection box in the entryway for your gently used, but no longer wanted glasses. After the box fills, they will take them to Waterbury Eyecare who will then ship it off for distribution around the world.

Christmas Outreach

The Board of Outreach will again facilitate a way for you to give back to the community this year.

Because of the lock-down at the Kirby House though, the board has decided to help collect Christmas gifts for the Toys-for-Tots program. All you have to do if you’d like to help a bit is purchase a toy or a game and bring it to the church. These are not to be wrapped. Members of the Board of Outreach will take all of the collected toys to the collection location later this month.

Please make the drop-off by Wednesday, December 16!

We’ll have a box in the dining room for that purpose. You may also mail a check into the church and the board will purchase toys. Make the check out to the church and put Toys-for-Tots in the memo line.

And don’t forget to shop locally!


Laundry Love Help

We are still running the Laundry Love program, thanks to a few dedicated volunteers this past year. It’s not a gang-busters program, but several folk rely on us to help them get their laundry washed and dried.

If you’d like to help, I’ve created a sign-up genius for you! We do laundry once a month and the second Wednesday from 5 pm – 7 pm. They load the machines and we provide the money and the detergent.

It’s a simple process and because it’s a self-help laundromat, all of the instructions for people using the machine are clearly posted. All you have to do is put on a name tag that says “Laundry Love,” and be ready to put quarters in the machines!

Quarters and detergent are kept at the church. I’ll be more than happy to get you set up and will reach out to people who’ve signed up before hand.

Thank you!

CROP HungerWalk

For the past 40 years or so, our church has been walking each spring or fall to help raise money for Church World Service (CWS) and their worldwide campaign to help end hunger. CWS does this by providing non-sectarian expertise on the ground in all corners of the world to assist in building up food infrastructure and community rebuilding and resilience. A portion of the money we raise in our walk will also stay local and go to our food shelf.

The walk is Sunday, October 11 at 1 pm! We’ll gather at 12:30 for a little socializing and registering. We’ll have freshly baked brownies and crisp apples to eat.

Here you will find information on 1) how to be a walker and 2) how to be a donor.

Last Year’s Walkers making their way through Hope Cemetery
  1. A majority of our fundraising this year will be done online. For the first time since we’ve been doing this, there is no envelope to pick up or hand in. If you want to walk with us on October 11 at 1 pm, register on our walk website ( Once there you will have the opportunity to register, which involves the usual name and address. You will also have a Covid-19 disclaimer to accept. It will ask you for a password, which means that if you want to check out your fundraising progress, you’ll need to remember/record it. The final step in registration is to make yourself a donation.
  2. If you are not walking but would like to contribute, go to the same site (, and instead of clicking on the register button, click on the donate button. There your options or to donate to the team (our church) in general, or a specific walker. You can pay by PayPal or regular credit card. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

It’s that easy! I hope you can join us!