Category: Newsletter
Thank you S.T. Paving!
Last week S.T. Paving dropped off a load of left-over asphalt and filled the remaining potholes in our parking lot. . . no more broken axles!
If you see John Reynolds, the owner, please give pass along your appreciation. They used left-over material and were able to do it for us free of charge.
Letter to Church School Parents
Dear parents,
Summer is zipping by and we will soon take a rest from church in August. The Christian Education Committee wants you to know that we are not resting completely! We are making plans for Church School in the fall and we continue the search for a new C.E. Director.
Here’s a general outline of our thoughts so far:
On September 8th, our first full Sunday back in action after summer vacation, we are going to start with a splash by leaping into the story of Noah!
In October, we plan to put Noah’s work into action by visiting and/or helping a local animal shelter.
For November, we plan to get involved with Heifer International — an organization that believes the way out of poverty is to provide the means (by providing animals) for poor communities to help themselves and then share their offspring with their neighbors. We hope to organize some bottle drives to purchase an animal for Heifer International to give away.
Approximately once a month, we will invite children to stay upstairs with everyone else in worship. That may be a communion service or a regular service with a longer children’s time and a shorter adult ‘s time. We know personally, and research bears this out, that children who worship with adults on a regular basis become more resilient, cooperative, and fully involved community members in their later years.
We will need your help to accomplish all of this. First, and most importantly, by building enthusiasm with your children for participating. Also, we are widening our search for CE director. We have advertised several times in Front Porch Forum and are now advertising statewide through the Vermont Conference Newsletter. If you know anyone who might be interested don’t hesitate to mention it. Anyone of us or Peter would be happy to have a further conversation.
Finally, On September 8th, we would like you to meet with us after church to review the details and schedule of events. We would appreciate having you sign up for one Sunday a month to do such things as:
- lead a lesson
- help with a car pool
- help with a bottle drive
Have a great summer. We look forward to seeing you on September 8th!
The C.E. Committee:
Ben DeJong
Kristin Wolf
Dan Senning
Harriet Grenier
Job Opportunity
Everett Coffey is looking for a teenager who might like to earn $10 – 12 /hour for helping him clear out his attic. It would be a one day job (9 am to 3 pm or so). Lunch is on Everett. If you would like to earn a little extra cash, simply email him at
Strawberry Jam for sale
Very kindly and generously, Harriet Grenier made strawberry jam on Monday from the strawberries that were not consumed on Friday or sold on Sunday. I’ve consumed a jar of it already and can say it is the essence of summer in a jar. Pick up a jar on Sunday and leave a donation in the basket.