Calling all those with a mission……
Annual Meeting is coming up in January and believe it or not, that is right around the corner. The Nominating Committee has prep work to do and Nancy Metivier and Laurie Emery are quickly making phone calls, seeking Board volunteers, and filling slots on the various church boards. We have openings on the following boards: Finance, Christian Education, Business Administration, Outreach, and Nominating. The board titles are somewhat self-explanatory, but if you want more information see Nancy, Peter, or Laurie. If you want more details on the nitty-gritty of what a particular board does, attend their next meeting on the first Tuesday of the month (December 6) at 7 p.m. at the church. Attending a meeting does not commit you to being nominated, although Nancy and Laurie would love that, but it will give you a good idea on what that board does and whether you would be interested in being a member. Terms are for two years and up to ten meetings per year. Current members are happy to fill you in on the details. Of course, whether you attend a board meeting on Tuesday, December 6 or not, you could get a phone call from Nancy or Laurie about joining a board. Talk to you then, and thanks!
Nominating Committee, Laurie Emery and Nancy Metivier