Mission Project Opportunity

I few weeks ago, the Rev. Charlie Magill was in worship, who is quite involved with mission work in his denomination, the United Methodist Church.  He announced that he was heading up a mission trip to continue assistance to New Jersey, still suffering from the devastation wrought by Hurricane Sandy.
Here is further information from him.  You may click on his name at the bottom to contact him directly.

There are still 3000 families in New Jersey that have not been able to return to there homes because of the damages from hurricane Sandy.  We are organizing a trip to help rebuilding efforts there.
The New Jersey Conference disaster recovery organization asks each volunteer to pay $15 per night for lodging and contribute $100 toward materials, so I’m estimating that the costs would be about $350 per person for the week.  We would car pool down on Sunday, April 23 and return April 29.
Right now I need an approximate number of people who would like to go.  As usual, we probably won’t know exactly what the work is until a week or two before we go, but it will be doing whatever needs to be done to get people back in their homes after the flooding and wind damage of hurricane Sandy.
Blessings to all,
Charlie Magill