Board of Outreach News

OGHS: We would like you to know what we are up to these days. As you know this Sunday, is One Great Hour of Sharing. For the past three weeks you have heard stories and information about what this money does around the world. Please consider a donation. Last year we sent a check to OGHS for $1,091.52.
Food shelf donations: We haven’t filled our basket much lately so we thought maybe we would set up a challenge. We are challenging the right side of the church (that would be the choir side) to the left side. From now until Easter Sunday there will be two baskets in the narthex. Depending on what side you sit on please put your donation in the correct basket. Let’s see how high we can stack those goodies!!
Work / Mission Trip: We are also in the process of gathering information on a possible mission trip. Please see our survey here.
Church World Service Depot: Again this year we will be a drop off point for the Church World Service kits. This event takes place the first week in May. They are badly in need of hygiene kits. In the next few weeks we will have information on what you can do to help us with a list of what you can provide.
Human Food Chain: The need for food during the summer is high as the children are out of school. We have been in contact with the director and asked if a June… Human Food Chain event would be more helpful than November. There are so many other organizations that do during the holidays we thought this might be a better time for us. They feel this is a good idea so stayed tuned. We have a tentative date of June 17th.
It sure will be warmer.
Enough for now but please, if you have something you might like to see our church become involved in, feel free to ask. The board would like to thank you all for the continued support you give.
Alice Durkin
Deb Utton
Carla Lawrence
Polly Sabin