Church School start up

Welcome back! I hope you have all had an excellent summer — I feel like I’m still recovering from our puppet extravaganza in June. It’s hard to believe it’s been 3 months since we’ve crossed the Red Sea and made it to the promised land!
It’s back to school time here at the Waterbury Congregational Church, and we’re working on our fall curriculum! The first day we’ll meet will be Sunday, September 9, and our first real class will be on September 16. This year, we’ll be focusing on Climate Change, and exploring what that means when we think about caring for God’s creations, our faith and what it means when we try to fulfill the primary goals of our religious study — which is, at its simplest, respect for our world and each other, and how we can achieve it, no matter what challenge is in front of us. We understand that climate change, at its core, is scary — too scary for our youngest students — and so we will focus on the things that we know we can do to make our lives and the lives of those around us better. Believe it or not, there is plenty of hope for positive change while studying this, and we will tap into some of our most hopeful scripture, including the Beatitudes, to drive that point home.
Our church school is open to students from K-6. Our older students will follow a more mature lesson plan that will mirror the one for the younger students, and will participate in a deeper discussion with our teachers. If there are adults who are interested in volunteering time to teach our kids during this fall, please let me know, and know that I will be happy to have you.
See you soon!