AM 2018 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 11:17 AM with a prayer led by Peter Plagge.

I. Presentation, discussion, and action on the minutes of the January 29, 2017 annual meeting.

The minutes of the January 29, 2017 annual meeting were accepted as written.

II. Presentation, discussion, and action on the reports of the officers, boards, and organizations for 2017 (excepting the 2018 budget).

It was noted that in the Clerk’s report, members removed by death in 2017 should read 1 instead of 0, changing the total active membership 12/31/17 to 161. It was moved, seconded, and noted to accept the reports as amended.

III. Presentation, discussion, and action on the FY 2018 budget proposal.

It was moved and seconded to approve the 2018 budget as proposed. Three special events are proposed for the coming year — the strawberry supper, tag sale, and apple pie sales on the interstate. A silent auction is being considered for the spring. Reasonable estimates have been secured for fixing the four corners of the church which have rotted. Work on the stained glass windows never got off the ground due to problems with the proposed repair company, so other advice was sought. It was found that the need for repairs is not in fact urgent, though should be undertaken within a reasonable time. Cost for such repairs are not reflected in the budget, but could easily be allocated when needed from the appropriate funds.

IV. Presentation, discussion, and action on the Nominating Committee’s report and slate of officers and board members for the year 2018. An amendment was moved and seconded to add John Bollard’s name, which was left off inadvertently, to the list of Deacons, and to add Cindy Senning’s name as “ex officio.” It was moved, seconded, and unanimously approved to accept the Nominating Committee’s report and slate of officers for 2018 as amended.

V. Presentation, discussion, and action on the Trustees recommendation to distribute any investment gain in 2017.

Dean King noted that it was a great year for the stock market, and due to generous pledges that have paid the bills, there was no need to balance the budget by dipping into our endowments. Based on advice from John Sherman at Edward Jones who handles the church’s investments, the Trustees feel that before the market reclaims the gains in a downward trend, some of that money should be invested in the physical church. Options for replacement of the current heating system are being explored with work being done incrementally over the next several years. Replacement of the signboard in front of the church also needs to be addressed at a special meeting in future, though some funds for that could come from “town encroachment” monies from the Main St. improvement project.

Dean King moved that the 2017 gains, realized and unrealized, earned on the Waterbury Congregational Church Endowments funds be allocated as follows: 75% (87,486.63) to the Firm Foundation; 24.5% ($28,578.97) to General Endowment; and 0.5% ($583.24) to Enrichment.

Deb Utton moved to amend the motion to transfer $1,250 from the Firm Foundation Fund gains and $1,250 from the Endowment Fund gains to the Enrichment Fund to help fund a possible mission trip planned for later this year.

The amended motion was seconded and approved.

V. Other Business

Peter Plagge heartily thanked the entire staff for their hard work, then added that two other church members who are not staff also need our deep gratitude. Ned Davis continues to inspire us with his flower creations and Torrey Smith sees that the church is adorned with community art. We are surely richer for the efforts of all these good people.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:51 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jill Chase, Clerk