In preparation for our annual ingathering of disaster kits from churches all around Northern and Central Vermont, our Board of Outreach is heading up our own drive to make hygiene kits. You will find little orange cards in your bulletin on Sunday which list all of the items needed to make a kit.
Instructions are simply enough: purchase the item and the size listed below and pack them into a one-gallon plastic zip-lok bag. Do not add money or extra items.
- One hand towel measuring approx. 15×28 to 16×32 inches (no finger, bath, dish or micro-fiber towlels, please).
- One washcloth.
- One wide-tooth comb removed from the package.
- One finger nail or toe nail clipper removed from the package.
- One bath size bar of soap in the wrapper.
- One toothbrush in the package.
- Ten standard sized Band-aids.
(Please note the CWS will add toothpaste to the kits once in hand.)
If you’re around church during the first week in May, you will notice boxes and buckets that have arrived from around Vermont to be picked up by the CWS truck on May 7 or so, piling up in our dining room.