Board of Outreach Report – 2019

It was a busy year for the Board of Outreach and the following is a summary of the work accomplished, thanks to your generosity and support.

In March of 2018, the Board voted to invest money in the Vermont Community Loan Fund. We currently have $4,170 invested in the fund.  The Fund is a mission-driven, community-focused alternative lender. It provides loans and other resources to local businesses, community organizations, non-profits and other organizations that do not qualify for a loan from a traditional lender.  The term of the investment was ten years which capitalized on an interest rate of 3%.

One Great Hour of Sharing was held on March 31st.  Through the generosity of the congregation, $1,040 was raised.  Funding through OGHS provides help for communities around the world who suffer from the effects of disaster, conflict and economic hardship.

In May, our church was the collection point for Church World Service kits. Our church constructed 27 hygiene kits.  We also collected 16 blankets, 147 school kits, 316 hygiene kits, 6 emergency clean up buckets and 251 rolled bandages from about 12 other churches.

The CROP Walk took place on October 6th.  The walkers raised $238 which went to support the Waterbury food shelf.

On October 21st the Neighbors In Need collection was taken during the service and totaled $273.  Neighbors in Need is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports the ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States.

The human food chain was attempted on November 10th, to bring donated food items to the food shelf.   Although there were not enough humans to form the chain, a generous amount of food was delivered! We continue to encourage food shelf collections.

The Board held a SERRV sale in late November and again in early December.  The organization’s mission is to promote the social and economic progress of people in developing regions of the world by marketing their products in a just and direct manner.  The sale raised $438 of which $86 was deposited in the Vermont Community Loan Fund.

In early December, the congregation generously donated items, including socks, gloves, toothpaste, toothbrushes, a gift card to the Village market and shampoo.  The items were delivered to the residents of the Kirby House a couple of days before Christmas.

Through the Board of Outreach budget, these additional donations were made during 2019:

  • $200 to the Good Samaritan Haven
  • $150 to the Vermont Low Income Advocacy Council
  • Throughout the year, we continued to collect loose change to support the Heifer Project, and 2 animal banks continue to receive your pocket change.  

The Board would like to thank the congregation for your generosity and continued support of our many projects.

Respectfully submitted, Polly Sabin, Chair

Carla Lawrence, Deb Utton, Alice Durkin