Volunteer for Laundry Love

Laundry Love began when a church group working with the homeless in California after a conversation with a homeless man revealed that if he had clean clothes people might treat him like a human.  Big problem.  Simple solution: offer to do his laundry.

It has become a movement.  Shortly after I heard about this Californian idea, I received a call for help from a woman in Duxbury who was desperate to get her laundry done, but with all of the other demands on her limited income, had been unable to do it.  Now her children were being made fun of at school for smelling.  Could we help?

We’ve been doing this for a few years now. It’s small and easy to do, but for the people who receive money for their laundry it’s a pretty big deal.

 Laundry sessions are on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, from 5 pm –  7:00  pm through the summer. Our only job is to welcome people who have laundry to be washed, put money in the machines when they are ready, provide the detergent, and tidy up a bit when we’re done.

We need volunteers! Hit the Sign Up button below. Thank you!

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