Church School Fall 2021

Greetings church school families. I hope you are all well, enjoying the late summer weather and the start of the school year. While I know we were all hoping to get back to some semblance of a “normal” year, it appears that we are not done with COVID-19 quite yet. Because of that, Peter and I have been discussing what church school might look like in the next few months. We have made some plans that I hope will allow our kids to safely meet in person. I would like to highlight those here, as well as update you on some ideas related to the year’s curriculum and activities.

Church school al fresco!
We plan to have church school meet outside in the tent that we generally use for the tag sale. We will leave the tent up for the months of September and October, thinking that the weather will allow us to comfortably meet outside. Hopefully, by the end of October, we will know more about where our community stands regarding the virus, including the possible vaccination of children under 12.
On Sunday mornings, children will go directly to the tent at 10:00, and not start in the sanctuary. We are playing around with the idea of having the adults end the service outside with us. More to come about this.
Church school children and I will all be masked in the tent. I have been vaccinated, but I continue to wear a mask when in public.
In the case of severe weather – extreme cold, wind, rain, snow, etc., church school will not meet that week. We will let you know by 6 pm on Saturday if we plan to cancel.

Curriculum Plans
Some of you know that I am a big fan of the Be the Church banner that can occasionally be seen hanging in the sanctuary. I am planning to use the banner as the theme for the church school year. I hope to take the phrases on the banner and spend some time discussing how each is illustrated in the bible. Then, the children will respond to each phrase in a creative way – poetry, photography, painting, etc. These creative pieces will then be compiled in a book we produce, with each banner phrase as a chapter of the book. (Thanks to Ben for this idea!) I would like to give each church school family a hard copy of the book, and perhaps offer them to other members of the congregation, if possible. If we spend approximately a month on each of the phrases, that would give us time to dig in and discuss the meaning, and also leave time for the creative responses. I’m also thinking of ways for us to do service projects in relation to some of the phrases.

As a reminder, here are the words of the banner:

Be the Church.
Protect the environment.
Care for the poor.
Forgive often.
Reject racism.
Fight for the powerless.
Share earthly and spiritual resources
Embrace diversity.
Love God.
Enjoy this life.

Of course, we will take a break from this schedule during the Christmas season. I haven’t given a lot of thought yet to this year’s Christmas extravaganza, but be assured, there will be something.

I hope you are all feeling good about your children meeting in person. If not, please let me know what I can do to make it work for your family. I realize that there is a chance that the virus situation will make it necessary to return to remote church and church school meetings. While that is not my first choice, I am fully prepared to start Zooming again, if needed. But it certainly will be great to see your kids’ twinkling eyes in person!

As in past years, church school will begin on the Sunday after Labor Day. Therefore, the first church school meeting under the tent will be:

Sunday, September 12th at 10:00.
Don’t forget, please drop off your children at the tent at the start of the service.

Thanks so much for all of your continued support. I would love to have more kids join us, so if you have family/friends looking for something to do on Sunday mornings, pass this along to them. I think with some thoughtful effort, we can have a great year!

Take care,