Lenten Lunch Invite

No RSVP needed! Just log in at noon with your cuppa and your sandwich. As is usual for Lenten Lunches, I will offer a devotion which this year will be from a collection of devotions for Lent called Lent of Liberation: Confronting the Legacy of American Slavery. These 40 devotions (one for each day) are designed around a documentary book by William Still called The Underground Railroad: A Record. Still was born into slavery and escaped as a child with his mother. “As an adult, he committed his life to assisting Black bondservants to freedom through the Underground Railroad in the 1800s” (p. 3).

So, each week, we’ll hear, in Still’s own words, about the journey that a few of the estimated 800 slaves whom he aided through his work with the Underground Railroad. Author Cheri Mills combines that with a scripture reading and a few thoughts for us to ponder.

Like last year, I hope that we will be done in 15 minutes or so.

Here’s the Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87692946938?pwd=VlV5ZitlSkR5MERRYXRlaXlVbGdmZz09