
Early in the year, the Board announced an eyeglass collection. The glasses collected will be given to Waterbury Eye Care Center and sourced to those in need of eyewear.

The collection of the Church World Service kits was held during the first week of May. Our church was the collection point. In total, 109 kits were collected from area churches and consisted of hygiene kits, school kits, and welcome backpacks for immigrants. Our church constructed 10 welcome backpack kits.

The CROP Walk took place on October 2nd and $945 was raised. Of that amount, $256 was sent to the Waterbury Area Food Shelf and the remainder was retained by Church World Service. Church World Service is a faith-based organization transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement, and disaster.

The Neighbors in Need collection was taken in October and $648 was raised. Neighbors in Need is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States.

The human food chain was held in November to deliver food to the Waterbury Area Food Shelf. While there were not enough bodies to form the chain, over 400 pounds of food was collected and enthusiastically walked down to the food shelf after worship.

In December, the congregation supported two local families. Their ‘wish lists’ were completed through the purchase of your generous gifts.

Through the Board of Outreach budget, these additional donations were made during 2022:

  • $100 Waterbury Ambulance in memory of Mark Podgwaite
  • $150 to the Vermont Low Income Advocacy Council
  • $200 to the Good Samaritan Haven

The Board would like to thank the congregation for your generosity and continued support of our many projects.

Respectfully submitted,

Polly Sabin, Chair, Carla Lawrence, Erin Mooney, Nancy Metivier