
The deacons meet monthly (with the exception of July and August this year) to discuss the weekly deacon schedule, church events such as baptisms, holidays, communion, and specific parishioner concerns. Every Sunday, one deacon assists with service where duties are adjusted for a virtual vs. in-person (with a virtual option) format. For virtual services, the deacon is the co-host with Peter, assists with managing the technology aspect, and takes attendance. For in-person services, the deacon assists with the service by managing the Zoom meeting, lighting and extinguishing candles, taking attendance, taking the offering, passing the microphone during Community Matters, and tidying up the pews after each service. 

The year began with virtual services and we transitioned to in-person services with a virtual option in accordance with the newly Endemic COVID-19 Worship Policy developed in March 2022. As the year progressed, we resumed fellowship after service with coffee and tea when volunteers were available. For virtual services, we continued the use of break-out rooms and ending with the Kiddush to maintain a sense of community.

We continued to take electronic attendance in an effort to help realize if someone is out for an extended period of time.

We assisted a Guest Preacher on May 22 when Peter was out of town. We coordinated Laity Sunday on July 10. We have assisted with funerals and baptisms as they have occurred throughout the year. We assisted with communion on December 11, our first communion together since the pandemic. 

We sent cards to parishioners who may be ill, injured, welcomed a new member to the family, or who may have lost a loved one.

We updated the fire drill instruction document that previously resided in the pews. 

Pat King revised and shortened the language so it may be included in our weekly bulletins.

Many thanks, in particular, this year to Rebecca Noyes who has finished her second term with the board.  

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Hardie, June Hibbs, Pat King, and Rebecca Noyes