Tiny Glass Tavern Concert 11/3

Let us Dance, let us Sing…let us revel and play: since old Time these delights will remove. –Thomas Betterton, the librettist of Purcell’s The Dioclesian

Tiny Glass Tavern starts its second season, with its biggest project that will make you want to dance and sing! Let us treat you to our upbeat selections from a wide variety of styles, all culturally very specific, but together so relatable through its playfulness and embodied spirit: you’ll hear some 17th century hornpipes, jazz manouche, Art Song inspired by American and Spanish popular music, Brazilian sambas, French chansons, Klezmer, originals by Adam Simon and Paul Morton and much more. 

The concert in our sanctuary is on Friday, November 3 at 7:30 PM.

For tickets and more information.